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Murphy helps clients solve paving problems. Solutions are practical and cost-effective.

Group training targeted toward timely asphalt paving issues and challenges. 

"You have made a very significant contribution to the Institute as a field engineer. The changes you have made in your district in mix design and specifications technology will impact.“

M.J. Hensley, R.E.


Murphy Pavement Technology specializes in Forensic Engineering on asphalt matters from design, production, and construction for roadways, runways, and commercial / industrial facilities.  

“Your help and dedication seeing this program through is commendable. It is always great to work with someone who goes above and beyond what is asked of them.”

Carrie Merker, Education Program Producer


Get in touch +1.773.874.9800

One-on-one Total Quality Management (TQM) teaching specifically geared to asphalt professionals at all levels.


"The Minnesota DOT recently hosted a 2020 Bituminous Street class via Zoom.  Our amazing instructors put this class together in a matter of days and we are so grateful!  In this week's class we have two instructors and 29 students.  Everyone got signed in without issue this morning (some minor adjustments will be made for tomorrow) and the students are able to ask questions, the instructors are sharing their screen and power point presentations, and we will be doing an online exam on Friday using Google Docs."

Suzanne Johnsrud, Lake Superior College, Duluth, MN

During litigation, MPT provides expert, independent testimony based on industry best practices.